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Ekundayo live concert

Live concert by Ekundayo Art Project band Concerto della band Ekundayo Art Project Ekundayo Art Project...

On 22 Ott 2014 By ADMIN / 0 Comment
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Web videos and tutorials for - Web TV (dedicated to women and focused in particular on fashion,...

On 22 Ott 2014 By ADMIN / 0 Comment
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Videos for, a tv completely made by writers. It is a cultural project conceived by Alessandra Casella,...

On 22 Ott 2014 By ADMIN / 0 Comment
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Financial education
(ACRA-CCS, Milano, 2013)

Six videos to provide common people, of any age, nationality and cultural background, with basic knowledge...

On 22 Ott 2014 By ADMIN / 0 Comment
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The coach
(Bike Channel, 2014)

The first reality show about cyclism in seven episodes. Two coaches, two junior athletes and a challange...

On 22 Set 2014 By ADMIN / 0 Comment
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Charne & Terra
(10′- Boretto, 2006)

A surreal encounter between an eight years old girl and the characters portraied on Villa Falugi's interior...

On 11 Ott 2013 By ADMIN / 0 Comment